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Hey all!

Welcome to my blog!
I made this blog to talk about my thoughts and feelings about publishing, as well as my book called "That Day In September." You can check it out at: globalagepress.com. I am a senior and I'm looking for a job in the publishing world. if anyone knows of anything, please let me know.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Belated New Year!

Happy Belated New Year Everyone!
I know I'm about 2 weeks late but better late than never huh?
So, as for me, I've been very busy lately. I'm interested in the publishing world, so for the past couple of weeks, I've been emailing my resume like mad to every publishing company I could possibly think of. Let me tell you, this is no easy task; you need LOTS of patience. In addition, I went to the city numerous times to drop off my resume, but this is even harder to do, and I'll tell you why:
Firstly, you need an appointment to get in, and if you don't, then you can't go in.
The more famous the company, the less likely you have a chance of getting in.
Second, if you do get in, god knows if you'll ever hear back from the company and if you do it's most likely a rejection letter : (
It's an amazing career, but you gotta be lucky. Someone has to be super impressed with you, or else you basically have no chance. But I'm persistent nevertheless. I know what I want, and hopefully I'll get it.
Anyway, that's it for now. Have a good night everyone!


  1. "I know what I want, and hopefully I'll get it."
    Great attitude!!
    I understand what you're going through in a way because waiting for answers to graduate school can be frustrating as well, also requires a lot of patience, and (at least in the case of what I am going for) will most likely result in a rejection letter despite all the hard work you put in to qualify for it and then to apply (application processes are insane)!
    So I feel for you and I'm rooting for you.
    Keep me updated-
