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Hey all!

Welcome to my blog!
I made this blog to talk about my thoughts and feelings about publishing, as well as my book called "That Day In September." You can check it out at: globalagepress.com. I am a senior and I'm looking for a job in the publishing world. if anyone knows of anything, please let me know.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

R. B. Sommer

Hey everyone!
I just figured out how to blog and I am so excited!
You see, I love to write it's a passion of mine. Whenever I write something and show it to people, I always receive positive feedback. I figured if I could blog and publicly display my work, it'll be 100 times more awesome! :)
So, a little about me: My name is R.B. Sommer, I am 22 years old ( my birthday was 2 weeks ago), and as I have mentioned before, I love writing. I know, I know, it sounds kind of dorky, but I wish that everyone in the world will find their true passion and feel as happy about it as me.
See, I wrote and self-published a novel entitled "That Day in September" by R.B. Sommer. It's about a girl who lives in 2035 and comes back a few days prior to 9/11, realizing it's her mission to stop the attack. I also included different neighborhoods in NYC, descibing Brooklyn, Manhattan and Staten Island as well as the differnt sects of people living there. Check my book out! http://globalagepress.com/


  1. YAY! you are a blogger now!! I am def gonna bookmark this site and check it and everyone else SHOULD ALSO!!

  2. Rachel - you've always been very, very talented at articulating your thoughts through writing. Keep at it - the world of readership will be better off with your thoughts on the record.

  3. Good for you! Hope this becomes a real hit and you get too many comments to read!

  4. Thanks guys! You know what they say, it's what you make of it. So I am counting on all of you to let people know about my new awesome blog: )
